How you can arrive while travelling further and further, and why I think about my geography studies almost every day.

Deutsche Version befindet sich weiter unten (unter den Bildern) English Version: As in my last articles, I would like to divide this update into different sections and start with my personal impressions and the topic of ‘arriving on a journey’ before going into the importance of geography in my journey. As always, these are all …

Start in South Africa

Deutsche Version weiter unten (Unter den Bildern)! It’s time for a first brief review. It’s only been eleven days, it seems a lot longer and a lot has already happened – around me, within me and also in terms of routes. At the moment I’m sitting in Springbok, in the north of South Africa (just …

No bikepacking without a bike! Local support through “Auf Draht” from Cologne Sülz

I am pleased to introduce the bicycle shop ‘Auf Draht’ from Cologne Sülz as a new sponsor!In my search for the right bike for me, I browsed through numerous websites and bike forums – mostly without much success. But now I’ve finally been successful! And thanks to: ‘Auf Draht’.The owner of the small bike shop, …

Why actually?

I’m not the first and I certainly won’t be the last to ride the route I’ve planned or something similar. I won’t be the fastest and no, I won’t make the 9th Netflix documentary about my tour. I’m doing this tour because I want to do it. I’m trying not to compare myself with anyone …

Cologne – Istanbul

Before I set off on my big trip, I naturally already had some experience with bike packing. In the summer of 2022, I travelled from Cologne to Istanbul by bike for 7 weeks. I’ve been on the road almost 4500km partly alone and partly with loyal companions. My journey took me through 11 countries once …

First preparations

At the moment I am already in the preparations for the tour! And well, how can you actually prepare for such a tour? I don’t think you can. There are so many uncertainties and unforeseeable situations that it is impossible to plan and prepare for all of them. With many things, you just have to …